Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Look. it's cake, ok?

So today I think I have more than compensated for the whole non milk/stale bread fiasco , or 'breakfastgate' as it's known in our house. I made soup - normally I am rubbish at soup but this was delicious, I warmed and buttered baguettes ( not for me obviously ) and I am about to tackle something creative with salmon and rice.
I also made cake.
When I say 'cake' I mean couscous cake which is a sort of Slimming World friendly delicacy that after a while does taste quite nice. Don't get me wrong, it will never be a belgian bun but it's quite nice for a quick nibble of an afternoon. I have just had a slab with a nectarine and a banana and it will hopefully keep any cravings at bay.
The strange thing is that if I didn't need or want to lose weight and I could be one of those enviable prople that could eat everything then I don't think cake would come top of the list. It certainly wouldn't come above wine or chocolate but when dieting there is something extra comforting about having supposedly illegal foods that are allowed with a few nips and tweaks. Wine is wine and chocolate is chocolate and no amount of nipping and tweaking is going to allow me to have a huge chunk of Cadbury's or lots of wine on a regular basis.
Winter has well and truly arrived in St Ives and I have been cold all day. One of the spaniels has chewed a hole in one of my slippers and I am fed up with having a cold right foot. I had a wander through town today but the only slippers for sale cost £25 and I refuse to spend that amount of money on something I could buy in Primark for a fiver.
The sea was rough and I had a drink with a couple of friends in a restaurant right on the harbour and the waves were huge - one even splashed against the window  (which was luckily shut) and the remaining tourists were loving it. I was a little concerned with a couple of parents perched right against the railings on the harbour with a toddler in a buggy - they may have been laughing about it but I'm sure that the baby wasn't.
I keep thinking that it's a week ago that we took Hattie back to Cardiff. It was a lovely sunny day then - how things change in 7 days.
We presume she is well as she appears to be enjoying Freshers Week 2 - we haven't heard much from her but the photos on Facebook show her happy and loving life....which is good.
I am now going to do things with salmon, find a fluffy right sock to make up for the slipper and fill my hot water bottle.
I will not have any more cake .

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