Saturday, 8 September 2012

Hairy jumpers...................

And yet another scorchio day down here - lots of happy people but not that many on the beach as most seem to have gone home now. I saw lots of locals going off with picnics and barbecues and it was nice to see everyone in such a good mood. I took a photo of The Island today (with St Nicholas Chapel on top) from the wall next to  Porthmeor beach and there was hardly a soul down there. Sunny Septembers are simply the best.
What does puzzle me is what some folks choose to wear - when we parked on the harbour we sat behind 2 women unloading strawberries from a van and for some strange reason they were both wearing hairy mohair jumpers. I started to sweat and scratch just looking at them - I had on a vest top and it was lovely to feel the sun on my skin.
 So far today, as well as the jumpers,  we have seen an array of ugg boots, a duffel coat, several wooly hats and a few ponchos. WHY???? The weather is beautiful! Maybe they are all from countries near the equator or maybe they're just mad. As they say - there's nowt as queer as folk.
On to hairy jumpers of another variety - my 3 dogs! Maddie, Multey and Freddy adore the weekends as most of the people that work for me and come to the house adore my spaniels. They get fussed, loved, tickled, kissed and cooed at and they positively bask in the extra attention.
One of their favourite fussers is Sophie - she is as daft as they are and loves nothing better than a hard day working than to come back and be mauled and 'spanielled' as we call it. Sometimes she has the odd doggy private part slapped against her head, but it's all good clean fun and it is now part of both Sophie and the dog's Saturday!

I'm not sure that everyone would like to do this but as I keep saying ''oh they're just being friendly''

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