Well what a few days - I haven't blogged since Friday when it all seemed to be going quite well but err, woops, ummm, it all went a bit downhill!
Weekends are always a bit tricky for me as I only actually go out to work 2 days a week and as those 2 days are Friday and Saturday, it's a bit of a no no. Also, as X Factor is nearing to a close and tensions are running high the only 2 things that will keep me relatively calm are merlot and chocolate . I know it all sounds like lame excuses ( it IS lame excuses) but please bear with me.
And then of course came the snow.
I am infact from Alnwick , a cobble streeted medieval town in Northumberland , which is now famour for its' snow. When I was a bairn I often romped in 6 foor snow drifts and my Dad often dug a clearing down the path so we could get out - so let's just say I'm no stranger to the cold white stuff.
I now live in St Ives , a cobble streeted town in Cornwall, which is famous for its' golden sandy beaches, palm trees, Tate and seagulls. I have lived here for 21 years and it NEVER snows, or if it does it's a pitiful amount that would only attract scorn from an average Northumbrian but , on Monday it DID snow and it DID lie and this meant that the schools were shut and we couldn't go anywhere in the car and we had to eat more chocolate and drink more wine just to keep warm. It also meant that I couldn't go to Fat Club as it is situated up a very icy and windy road at the top of town ( I live at the bottom ) which gave me even more carte blanche to basically be naughty.
To add insult to injury my central heating has also decided to go the same way as my teenage daughters and act downright tardy. I press buttons and I can almost hear it saying ''yeah whatever - I'll switch on when I like - just quit nagging me - oh that's it I'm off'' but thankfully my David Hasselhoff lookalikey plumber came and sorted it out.
So that's all my lame excuses. The snow has melted in St Ives, the schools are open again and I am eating porridge with blueberries and bananas so fingers crossed I will continue to behave...................for now xxx
oh, it`s so encouraging to read that Liz. I just want to hibernate and eat in this weather and also didn`t make fat club either this week.
ReplyDeleteOh, well Christmas is coming......