Thursday, 30 December 2010

''One at a time love'' said the talking scales......

Well Christmas is well and truly over - my tree is limp, my patience is spent and my fridge is nearly back to normal - when I say 'normal' what I mean is that there is no longer mysteriously shaped and coloured cheese and gallons of double cream. It now has milk and bacon and salad stuff - stuff that new years resolutions are made of!

Tomorrow is the last day of 2010 and in true 'new beginnings' style I rejoined all my pals at Fat Club on Tuesday, tried not to cry too much when I got on those infuriatingly accurate scales ( if they were talking ones , what would they say???? ) and came home motivated to get off my posterior and do something POSITIVE!

As you already know, Robbie and I are meeting up on June 22nd 2011 and I have have HAVE to look good! This is now 25 weeks away and I am still going for 2 pounds a week - it's not as much as I had initially anticipated but my medical condition ( I like eating ) has prevented me from being good and has forced me into devouring lots and  lots of mince pies etc. Well now the mince pies are gone and so , soon, will my extra weight......nothing can stop me, there is nothing to tempt me........OR SO I THOUGHT........

A gift from a client which should have arrived before Christmas has just been delivered - it is a John Lewis luxury hamper - it has wine, coffee, LUXURY mince pies, LUXURY fruit cake, LUXURY cheese straws, LUXURY fudge, LUXURY chocolates - it is the Tara Palmer Tomppkinson of the hamper world and I am donating it to my 2 favourite Christmas fairies - they know who they are and I hope they realise the sacrifice I have made.

On that jolly note, I am going to now sniffle into my iced water.......