I'm thinking about numbers and quite specifically the numbers that flash up on the dreaded scales . Yes , I'm still a serial weigher and have even taken to making a note of my daily weight on my fancy iPhone . I make charts and graphs because I'm far from someone that has OCD but I do like to see statistics - I think they're vital ( see what I did there ?) when you're attempting to lose weight !
Today I'm up one!
This can't be right but I saw it with my own eyes , just before I growled .
And this is the point of my blog today ......
Will we ever be happy with our lot and really what does a number mean when logically I'm not going to look or feel any differently from yesterday ?
My old fat club consultant said to me that if you pretty much still eat the same as when you were losing weight but nothing else budges , then you're at the weight you're meant to be . This makes complete sense but I need to use this as my mantra instead of beating myself up about it .
Since doing the weighing at fat club I see dozens of women of varying weights , shapes and sizes hopping on and off those scales and I know more than anyone that 3 people that all weigh the same aren't necessarily going to look the same.
We are all different and as much as I often think it would be nice to have smaller boobs or narrower hips - IT ISN'T EVER GOING TO HAPPEN!
if I paid more attention to that stupid bmi chart then I would never get to target and my new clothes now span over at least 3 different sizes depending on the cut and the shop so these numbers are never going to be simple .
So my point is - and I know I've blogged this countless times ..... I may ditch the scales ( apart from the official ones ) and calm down and practise what I've just preached .
That's all I had to say and I've done this blog on my mobile and if I'm feeling very adventurous I may just delete my weight data ........
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