Wednesday, 26 February 2014

I got a shiny pin thing and then I ate a burger.

So at approximately 9.32 am on Wednesday February 26th 2014 I got to target at Slimming World. They had run out of certificates but I got a nice shiny pin.
The defining moment was actually quite underwhelming. I hopped on and the numbers flashed at me and I filled up a little bit but slim people are always a bit flaky aren't they?
Anyway , enough of that - I want to talk about our grand day out.
The sun was shining in Camborne and I have to say there is a LOT of charity shops there. We rifled through them all and Leanne bought 2 pie dishes, a lemon squeezer that has now broken and I bought a nice Next top. I wanted to buy a bright pink jacket but was dissuaded. The pound shops were fantastic and I have to say that this is something that St Ives is definitely missing. A Shake and Vac, 2 lots of nice hair conditioner, 2 packets of smash and a feather duster - all for £6 - ansum!
And then it was lunch at Birdies Bistro on the Hayle Estuary. I had only heard good things about the place and today I certainly wasn't disappointed. Light , airy and contemporary , great service ,  even better food and 2 very naughty glasses of wine and an even naughtier slice of carrot cake for puddy and it was perfect.
Tomorrow is a new week and I am going to continue eating how I have since September. I cant see the point in changing anything and of course I now don't have to pay and I am allowed to go 3 pounds either side of my target weight. It is all new territory for me and I shall chug on as before. If I lose a little bit more weight then I may drop my target but for the moment I am going to enjoy being where I am. I will never be a stick and I think half the battle is accepting that we are all different builds and shapes and sizes, and we must be happy that no two of us are the same.
Onwards and, oh, yes , the same.

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