Monday, 27 August 2012

Soggy kindles, scary scales and special tea.

It's the last bank holiday before Christmas and as predicted it has been wet all day. I know I obsess about the weather a bit - it's what Brits are good at, and I think I get it from my Dad. When he died I took and read all his diaries and when reading through them, every single day of the year he recorded the temparature and the weather. When I look at the weather map on the tv I always look to the North East, which sometimes I have no choice to as the weather person usually stands in front of the Cornwall section.
I picked my eldest and her uni friend up at 3.30 this morning from Penzance so after lunch I was more than ready for a little cheeky siests and some quality time with my beloved kindle. I don't care what anyone thinks - I flipping love my kindle - I never ever run out of books  and it's the future -  so there! After I had been missing for a couple of hours Freddy the puppy came to find me and was so excited by the sight of me snuggled in my bed that he jumped up and 'sprayed' - I hope I have managed to limit any damage with an old tea towel as I really don't fancy ringing Amazon to explain the cause of its' demise.
Diet update - oh dear, is all I have to say. Our regular consultant won't be at fat club tomorrow but Susie will........ To all fat club members, the very word 'Susie' rings fear into our very bones - she has battered us for our misuse of fruit on more than one occassion and I am scared, very scared. I haven't even had any fruit this week - apart from the strawberry jam that was in my doughnut earlier today. I have taken the plunge and weighed myself on my scales in the bathroom and it aint pretty! In true fat club styleee though I will take it on the chins and show up as usual with a pained expression on my face. I am definitely going for the sympathy vote this week.
I bought some 'tea' a while ago from Holland and Barrett, which let's just say 'gives you a good clear out' and reduces bloating. I am sure that there is only so much bloat that a cuppa can reduce but I have just had a mug of it as I am getting desperate. I would like to say that it tastes nice and refreshing but it tastes like dirty socks. The smell of it makes me urge slightly but if I let it go cold I can down it in one.
Life should get a little bit quieter for us this week and soon kids go back to school and uni, so I am going to eat fruit and veg( in a proper manner) and COOK insetad of eating junk............honestly.

1 comment:

  1. Liz, I need the name of that tea. Activia yogurts work just as well, I've heard. xx
