Thursday, 17 March 2011

Nigella and Meg eat your hearts out!

Well I have had my second weigh in as part of my 12 week challenge and stayed the same this week. I am actually ok with this as ( men look away ) it's my TOTM! My weight loss so far is still at 22 pounds which is good so I am not going to beat myself up about it.
 I am still very determined and am even contemplating a bit of exercise in the not too distant future - this worries me because I am so unfit that I am worried that a gentle jog may bring on a heart attack which would be quite ironic as it's the British Heart Foundation that I am raising money for............

Anyway, as part of keeping everything fresh and new I am also going to try out some new recipes. My dear beloved has warned me not to mess with the pork but I have ordered some apricots from Asda and intend mixing them with low fat sausage meat and garlic and stuffing them into a loin of pork. Hmmm, it certainly sounds nice but who can tell?? I am also going to attempt a spinach and feta filo pastry pie - when I asked the members of my household who would eat it I was met with stares of disgust / hysteria and fear.

My week ahead is busy and includes a night out with some friends on saturday when we are going for a cheeky carvery at the local pub and then on to a psychic night at another pub. We went to one last year and my Dad allegedly made an appearance - I am hoping he keeps quiet this time as I found it vaguely embarrassing. The psychic in question is a lovely lady and my Dad wouldn't bugger off afterwards which amused everyone else but made me cringe. I would love to believe 100% that he was there but if he were still alive I think he would probably tell me not to waste  my money! It only costs a tenner and just think that if I didn't spend that tenner I could have bought lots more apricots, low fat sausages and merlot with it instead.

I am sure we will have fun whoever 'appears' and if there's no messages for me then I can spend my time dreaming up some more wild  and exquisite dishes to torment my family with.

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